Thursday, April 29, 2010

Entry the first...

So Catherine and I are having a baby! Like, really soon. Neither of us has ever done this before (surprise!) and we're equal parts excited and terrified. By equal parts, I'm mean she is excited and terrified, I am terrified and excited. Anyway, my mother suggested we get a baby book of some-kind, one in which we right down how things are going, when the baby first coos, when he first talks, walks, etc. So I had the brilliant idea of just starting a blog! Wow, how profound!
Seriously though, I think this will be a great way to document our mad dash into parenthood. Likewise I know of a lot of working musicians who either have kids or are going to, and the questions are always the same- Can you make it work? And if so, how?! So this will act as kind of a bulletin board of sorts for peeps in the same scenario. Who knows, it might suck, but I'll give it a shot...