Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Waiting for the waiting

Man oh man! It's now 4 days passed Catherine's due date, and it's felt like 4 months. Focused discipline is at an all time low: at any minute I could get the call to go, so work, play; all fall by the wayside. We've spent our evenings sitting around wondering what to do with the hours until bed, and we find surprisingly little. It's kind of like cabin fever during a snowstorm, but without the drinking. I mean, I'm having a beer every now and then, but there's no way I can drink myself silly. That would be very, very bad. So we're trying to make the most of it, but failing miserably. The weather is piss-pouring miserable, so outdoor activities are out the window. All we can do is lay around, look into each others eyes and swear we still love each other. It is BORING! But I suppose we should enjoy it while it lasts....Adding to the frustration is some drama that I just can't seem to shake almost 2 years on. I had a falling out with a good friend, and as a result continue to be abandoned by others. Cat insists I just let go, but loyalty just runs too deep in my neck of the woods. For the life of my I'm still letting my feelings get hurt.... So it is, so it is. Anyhow, that's all for now. Peace!

Monday, May 17, 2010

4 days

In 4 days my life will change forever
4 days. Not even a week. 4 measly days and my entire understanding of the universe will be turned upside down. Or so I've heard. 4 days 'till we meet you Jameson. Your mom and I love you very much. Safe travels.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coffee coffee coffee!

Second post folks! What up? Seeing as how I have like zero subscribers right now this seems a bit narcissistic, but Cat is excited I'm doing this so I gotta stick to it.
Last weekend the band flew out to Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas. Man oh MAN what a good time. Great bands, booze, bowling, a pool, and tons of friends. I had the time of my life until exactly 9pm on Saturday night. Then, for no reason I could then ascertain (I have now come to believe it was some bad wings from Hooters) I became deathly ill. That's right; one moment I was fine, the next I was throwing up in the parking lot of The Double Down. Now for anyone who isn't familiar with the amazing awesomeness that is The Double Down Saloon, allow me to educate you. It is by far and away the best rock club in Vegas, and one of the best West of the Mississippi, hands down. It's loud, dirty, and rad. It is not, however, the place you want to be when you body decides to expel anything and everything you've eaten and/or drank in the last 24 hours, which leads me back to 9pm. There are I am, sick to death, with nowhere to go other than the back of a rental car. Our slot was at 2am (which means 3am), so I very literally had to lay down for 6 hours. Breaking this time up were 3 trips to the Hard Rock Hotel for emergency bathroom use (you don't/can't use the toilets at The Double Down), 2 trips to QVC for pepto, and 3 trips to the pavement for vomiting.
"What does all of this have to do with parenting?" you're probably wondering. "It's punk as all get out, but what's the point?" The point, my dear friend, is this: whilst laying on the sidewalk covered in a cold sweat, all I could think about was my wife and our kid. Specifically, I was lonely as hell and wanted to be with them more than anything. Now that's not to say that I didn't miss them earlier that day when I was getting my freak on at the pool with all my friends, 'cause I totally did. But as every adult who was once a kid knows, when you're sick you want to be HOME. And I wanted to be home more than anything. I actually called Cat at 1:30am and just cried into the phone. Yep, like a little bitch I blabbed and sputtered about how sick I was and how I didn't know how the show would go and wah wah wah. And you know what? She made me feel better. Just hearing her voice made me feel better. That's amazing man. And that's why I thought I'd share this little story with everyone (or no one). No matter what kind of situation this haphazard occupation finds me in, my woman is always there for me. I love her, and I know our kid will too. Just wait until I take him to Vegas for the first time; no doubt Cat will be getting more than one early morning phone call....